Big God – Chen Emmanuel & The GraceBound Crew @ChenEmmanuel1 (Audio)

Big God – Chen Emmanuel & The GraceBound Crew

Big God by Chen Emmanuel and the GraceBound Crew is a simple worship song that just calls God the Big God. The chorus is a renowned Igbo song with a reviewed progression. In an overwhelming sea of words, this song describes how it is impossible to describe a God with multiple personalities. He is beyond comprehension and as such even our imagination is limited.

The song is a simple worship song that just calls him the Big God.

Is your God big? hit the play button Listen and be blessed…
[zoomsounds_player source=”″ config=”default” playerid=”240530″ thumb=”” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” enable_likes=”off” enable_views=”off” songname=”Big God – Chen Emmanuel & The GraceBound Crew” artistname=”ChenEmmanuelTheGraceBoundCrew”]

My rating (1 – 10) on the track:

Beats: 8

Lyrics: 7

Vocals: 6

Production: 6

Overall Rating: 7.5

You wanna, listen, DOWNLOAD and share. Your opinion is important too, do that in the comment area.

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