Bad Girl – De Magnus @IAM_DEMAGNUS (Audio)

Bad Girl – De Magnus @IAM_DEMAGNUS (Audio)

De Magnus formally known as Akinkoye Akinseye has been in the music scene for a while. He took a break to better his acts. The young music act promises to be more consistent with his act. The sing was produced by Blaise Beats.

I love the jam, the temple is a mid one but equally groovy. With what I hear, he has a future in this business, he just needs to keep it real and keep it coming.

Oya where una, hit play and let me know what you think.

[zoomsounds_player source=”″ config=”footer-wave” playerid=”240164″ thumb=”” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” enable_likes=”off” enable_views=”off” songname=”Bad Girl – De Magnus @IAM_DEMAGNUS (Audio)” artistname=”De Magnus”]

My rating (1 – 10) on the track:

Beats: 8

Lyrics: 8

Vocals: 7

Production: 8

Overall Rating: 7.75

See also: Joy & Pain – Debie Rise Bassey

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