Mo So Rire – Paul Play @PaulPlay_Dairo #ThrowBackThursday

Mo So Rire – Paul Play @PaulPlay_Dairo

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 This jam “Mo So Rire” by Paul Play was a major hit that ushered us into the millennium. It is worthy of note that he was also the son of notable afro juju musician, IK Dairo, despite that, he went on to carve a niche for himself in the Nigerian music scene.

Paul Play cannot be forgotten when taking a walk down memory lane and he’ll never be forgotten for this pop/RnB inspirational piece “Mo So Rire”.

Mo So Rire – Paul Play @PaulPlay_Dairo

Check out my ratings for this track above along with the option to download below.

See also: Hold My Hand – 2baba

You wanna, listen, DOWNLOAD and share. Your opinion is important too, do that in the comment area.

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