Nobody Ugly – P-Square @rudeboypsquare @PeterPsquare (Audio)

Nobody Ugly – P-Square

P-Square Nigerian Super Music Duo Comes Again With Another Single Titled “Nobody Ugly”.

The Nigeria’s most popular duo have raised the bar even higher this time around with this top notch song Nobody ugly, guys are you sure nobody is ugly? Ugly people full everywhere sha lol. I know beauty they say lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Nice song, beat almost like ‘Bank alert’. But trust me it’s a song that is already everywhere, with massive air play.

Come along lets groove with Nobody Ugly by P-square. Just hit the play button and you are in the party…

[zoomsounds_player source=”″ config=”footer-wave” playerid=”236682″ thumb=”” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” enable_likes=”off” enable_views=”off” songname=”Nobody Ugly – P-Square” artistname=”P-Square”]


My rating (1 – 10) on the track:

Beats: 7

Lyrics: 6

Vocals: 7

Production: 6

Overall Rating: 7.5


You wanna, listen, DOWNLOAD and share. Your opinion is important too, do that in the comment area.

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