Level Yan – Reminisce
Reminisce drops another gem of a rap tune dubbed “Level Yen” and his masterful delivery and artistic finesse on this one can only be bettered by Alaga himself. Produced by the emerging “T-Izze”.
Reminisce goes in on his smashing new single #LevelYen, produced by T-Izze. Bar for bar, Reminisce shows his lyrical mastery as he teases and flaunts on this hip-hop number reminding us why he is a god of the street level flow.”
LRR Clan – Baba Hafusa as he is fondly addressed has made us understand in this music that the truth is better and we should always try to be real….
This is so cool to have on the list so when we wanna face reality of life, we should listen to this.
Nice one Reminisce!
[zoomsounds_player source=”https://www.naija.fm/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Reminisce-Level-Yen.mp3″ config=”footer-wave” playerid=”237422″ thumb=”https://d1e4rhrxq1vczl.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/28184341/Reminisce-Level-Yen-720×720.jpg” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” enable_likes=”off” enable_views=”off” songname=”Level Yan – Reminisce” artistname=”Reminisce”]
My rating (1 – 10) on the track:
Beats: 7
Lyrics: 7
Vocals: 7
Production: 7
Overall Rating: 7
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