Work & Pray – KayJay ft. Shayde
Kay Jay also known as Victor Ogbonna is a song writer and singer who hails from Abia State. His song Work and Pray, has a lovely introduction which begins as a prayer seeking God’s blessings while he is out to work and also pray. But I am a bit thrown off as the song proceeds with a mixture of Yoruba language to it. Its not a bad mixture though but, for non Yoruba speaking persons, how can they relate to the song? The beat of the song is good and can keep you unconsciously moving even though at some point you may not have an idea of what the singer is saying.
I can’t seem to comprehend the meaning in the song when the singer starts mentioning names like
‘Folake, Tinuke, Modupe….. bolling all night…..’
It sort of gets me confused. What have the ladies got to do with the song? After he mentions their names the singer changes lyrics from English to Yoruba and leaves one (non speaking Yoruba person) in a fix as to decipher the mission of the ladies.
Its a funky want-to-be-gospel but with a couple of the lyrics not quite clear, how does one place it? But in the end the singer tries to end well by saying that he needs God’s blessing. I guess the Singer is not quite bothered about how the lyrics sound in the middle of the song. He simply had a good introduction and end for the song and decided to fill it up however he could with whatever words or sentences he come think of.
Well, its just my thoughts.
My rating (1 – 10) on the track:
Beats: 5
Lyrics: 4
Vocals: 2
Production: 6
Overall Rating: 4.3